Hi !
Leonie here, Salon Manager of Atelier. My background is not hair, in fact I probably knew more about literally anything else when I first started working in a hair salon.
Fast forward a few years I've learnt so much about the industry and the trade, simply by listening to the stylists, dropping into training sessions with the team and watching each day unfold on the salon floor.
Here are 5 things I've learnt about hair that your stylist would love you to know...
1. A good shampoo and conditioner are SO important
Before working in a salon, I would've used anything in my hair, and been very happy with a shampoo bottle that claimed to have been 'enriched' with an oil I knew nothing about. Over the years I've become obsessed with Salon quality shampoo and conditioner and the difference compared to supermarket brands on the hair. A good shampoo and conditioner will help obtect your hair, help it grow, help its condition and delay those split ends.
Trust the professionals - they can feel the difference.
2. Colour doesn't cover colour
I'm guilty of box colouring my hair (before salon life), but I never knew the impact it had for future hair goals. Think of it like a marker, if you drew a circle with a black marker and tried to cover it over with a yellow marker, you'd still have a black circle. Colour needs to be removed from your hair before a new colour can be applied, in most cases (not all but a stylist can give you more advice on this). In addition to this, every hair colour is different and will vary from person to person , sometimes it isn't possible to be as blonde as the person next to us, our hair makes these decisions for us and our stylist ensures the best outcome for our hair.
3. We really should be using heat protection!
Heat protectants were created to save our hair not just as a novelty item under the sink in the bathroom. When used correctly heat protectors can save your hair from hot tools like the straighteners, curlers, hair dryers etc. A good heat protectant will also help to lock in your colour keeping it more vibrant for longer.
*Top Tip: If you use a heat protectant and notice steam coming for your hair when using a hot tool then your product is working perfectly. (Steam not smoke)
4. You actually can wash your hair every day.
I mean, you probably don't want to; but I was always told I shouldn't wash it every day, it was bad for the natural oils. If you're anything like me and have very oily hair then not washing it every day is not an option. Over the years I've learnt that it's not bad for your hair to wash it every day. A daily cleanse can be great for your hair, removing any product build up and keeping your scalp fresh.
Furthermore, having clean fresh hair is ideal when having your hair coloured. It helps to provide the best outcome.
If you have real bad problems with shampooing daily due to oil build up, Oway have a great Hair bath to help with this, find it here.
5. Your hair tells your stylist everything...
This is probably the best thing I've learnt during my salon career. We've all done it 'Yes I've been using heat protectors' , 'No I didn't home colour' , Your hair tells everything. A hair stylist is a trained hair expert, they see everything day in day out and see all the tale tale signs of uncared for hair. So when we ignore their advice they can tell, trust your stylist, they genuinely care for your hair - you are their walking advertisements.
Let us know what questions you've got about your hair and we'll do our best to help you achieve your hair goals!